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Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Pirner

Main / Book The Unknown As An Engine For Science

The Unknown as an Engine of Science

An Essay on the Definite and the Indefinite

Hans J. Pirner

I. Introduction When does science become indefinite/ Questions about uncertainty/ Indefinite or definite/ How to proceed

II. Evidence for the Indefinite Chance in theoretical models/ The unpredictable future/ Indeterminacy in quantum physics/ Vagueness in language/ Indistinct memories of the past/ Indefinite ontology

III. Approaching the definite Information/ Quantum information/ Complexity/ Obtaining meaning from the information cloud/ Complex networks/ The neural network

IV. Establishing the definite from the indefinite Experimental methods/ Decision theory and game theory/ Fuzzy logic and systems control/ Finding the right metaphor/ Following the signs/ Actors and scenarios: Theater instead of theory

V. The Unknown as an engine of science: Summary Epilog

Appendix: A simple example of how complexity and indefiniteness combine to define the value of information

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